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Products & Services: MSDS Data Sheet

Section I - Product
Product Name Pro-Slag™ and/or Pro-Foam™
Product Type Magnesia-Carbon Combination
Chemical FamilyN/A
Emergency/Info Contact Intersource, Inc.   724.940.2220

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Section II - Product Hazardous Ingredients
Calcium Silicate* (Ca2SiO4)
(< 2%)
15 mg/m3 Total Dust
10 mg/m3 Respirable Dust
10 mg/m3 Total Dust 1344-95-2
Carbon (C)
(Anthracite Coal) (< 26%)
2.4 mg/m3 Respirable Dust 2 mg/m3 Respirable Dust GF8281000
Magnesium Oxide (MgO)
(> 43%)
15 mg/m3 Total Dust 10 mg/m3 Total Dust 1309-48-4

*Note: Exposure value for the calcium silicate is for the particulate matter.

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Section III - Hazardous Information
Long term chronic airborne exposure may cause lung disease or aggravate any pre-existing respiratory condition unless proper respiratory protection is employed. Prolonged, frequent direct skin contact may lead to skin dermatitis. Acute or short-term airborne exposure in excess of the exposure limits may irritate the nasal passages and respiratory tract. Acute exposure to the skin or eyes may lead to irritation.

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Section IV - First Aid Measures
Eyes Flush eyes with clean water for at least 15 minutes. Consult a physician if irritation persists.
Skin Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Consult a physician if irritation persists.
Inhalation If overexposure symptoms are noticed, remove to fresh air. Do not permit exposures in excess of the exposure limits without use of proper controls including appropriate respiratory protection.
Ingestion Unlikely to occur, however, if product is ingested, contact physician or poison control center immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical personnel.

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Section V - Fire Fighting Measures
Flammable Properties None
Extinguishing Media Use standard fire fighting agents.
Fire Fighting Instructions None
Unusual Fire &
Explosion Hazards

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Section VI - Accidental Release Measures
Small or Large Spill Product is normally supplied as 60 mm briquettes and/or smaller particles (in the case of Pro-Foam) including fines present due to mechanical actions while shipping and handling. Pick up or shovel and place in a container. Dampen material, if desired, to minimize the possible generation of airborne dust.

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Section VII - Handling and Storage
Product is normally supplied as 60 mm briquettes and smaller particles including fines present due to mechanical actions while shipping and handling. Store in a dry place away from extreme heat or open flames. Use proper practices when transporting.

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Section VIII - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls Use adequate local and/or general ventilation to maintain exposures below the exposure limits (See Section II) including when initially burning in.
Respiratory Protection Use NIOSH approved respirator for mineral dust when working with material.
Eye Protection Use safety glasses with side shields to avoid eye contact.
Skin Protection Wear impervious gloves along with long sleeve cotton shirts and long leg cotton pants to avoid or minimize direct skin contact and possible abrasion. Cleanse exposed skin with soap or hand cleaners as soon after contact as practical.
Other Safety shoes should be worn to prevent foot injury from accidentally dropped material.

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Section IX - Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance Black Solid
pH Level N/A
Boiling Point N/A
Odor None
Solubility in Water None
Melting Point N/A
Specific Gravity 1.5 - 2.0

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Section X - Stability and Reactivity
Product is stable under normal conditions of use, storage and transportation.

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Section XI - Toxicological Information
No toxicological data is available for the blended product.

Calcium silicate is identified as a nuisance dust from an inhalation standpoint. It may irritate the eyes, skin and respiratory system. No LC50 or LD50 data is available at this time. Not listed as a carcinogen by NTP, IARC or OSHA.

Anthracite Coal is a respiratory toxicant. Prolonged, chronic exposure in excess of the exposure limits (See Section II) may result in pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, and emphysema. Coal dusts with greater than 5% crystalline silica present will react in the lungs similar to quartz. Crystalline silica has been designated as a Group I carcinogen by IARC. Chronic airborne exposure to crystalline silica in excess of the exposure limits (See Section II), may lead to silicosis, a disabling lung disease characterized by the formation of silica-containing nodules of scar tissue in the lungs.

Magnesium Oxide has no available LC50 or LD50 data. Not listed as a carcinogen by NTP, IARC or OSHA. MgO is generally considered as a nuisance dust from an inhalation standpoint.

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Section XIII - Disposal Considerations
As supplied, product may be disposed of in an approved landfill, in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Supplier can make no statement concerning disposal of used product, since product may become contaminated by hazardous materials during use.

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Section XIV - Transportation Information
U.S.A. DOT Not Required
Canadian TDG Hazard Class
Not Required

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Section XV - Regulatory Information
TSCA Status All components listed.
Canadian DSL All components listed.
SARA Title III, Section 313 Does not apply to product’s components.
California Proposition 65 This product contains a chemical known by the State of California to cause cancer.

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Section XVI - Other Information
MSDS Status New Format
Note This material safety data sheet contains confidential proprietary information and is not to be disclosed to the general public or to competition except as required by law. The information accumulated herein is believed to be accurate but is not warranted to be, whether originating with the supplier or not. This information is offered solely for use in your evaluation of this product in respect to safety, health, and environmental hazards.

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Prepared By:
Intersource Inc.
946 Route 228
Mars PA 16046
Phone 724.940.2220